
Showing posts from January, 2021

Opossums are supposed to be nocturnal

 This little guy was on the fence across the street Just sitting there, not moving other than blinking and moving the ears.  Time was about 4PM Usually they are not around in the daytime, but it is winter, ground is snow covered... Shooting data Canon EOS 7D,  Canon EFS 55-250mm lens Settings 1/400 sec. F8 iso-3200  (auto iso) lighting, very overcast, rain about to start, yep rain on top of snow, just wait till it freezes.  

A short video on the rules of composition, this video was created for my photography students

This video explains some of the basics of Composition as it related to photography (and art) enjoy   Click on the window below to play video there is no sound  video is 12 min. long

Photographic Terms. This is .mp4 I put together for my photography students covering common terms of modern photography

 I created this video for a photo class I have been teaching.  It explains some of the common terms used in Photography   Click on the window below to play the video  there is no sound  video is 22 min. long  

If a 4 leaved clover is good luck, does that mean a 3 winged maple key is also

 Found this on the windshield of our car when we returned from kayaking in a local lake. You don't see theses everyday.  Note there is little or no seed. Taken 2020.08.22 Canon 1Dx,  Canon 180mm f3.5 macro inside lighting tent with natural sunlight source 1/160 sec f11 ISO 200

HDR vs straight shot on low contrast scene

 Shots taken 2021 01 10  at the harbour in Kincardine Ontario which ison the shore of Lake Huron Given our unusually warm January so far, there is little or no ice on the lake, but with winds and wave, and an overnight low of -10,  some interesting ice formed I took a series of three shots,  one at metered exposure, one 2 stops under and one 2 stops over. Using photomatrix software I combined them into this Although the dynamic range of the image was not that great, the local contrast enhancement features of the software does make the photo more interesting to the eye. Shooting data Canon EOS 7D,  Canon 15-85mm IS lens 1/50 sec. f 5.6 and ISO of 100 for the first shot,  shutter speed and ISO adjusted for the other two shots in the sequence.  Taken hand held. The Harbour looks rather empty other than birds

The Eagle has landed

 2020.05.27 We heard there was an eagle's nest with a young bird in it up a bit on one of Bruce County roads, so with an approximate location we drove in that direction Took a few minutes to finally spot the net.  That was because it was a bit over 200M in from the road, surrounded by wet swamp. Well, we were there, get out the tripod and camera. Used the Canon 7D MK2 (as it has cropped frame),  Canon 600mm F4 IS lens plus a matching 2X teleconverter giving me 1200mm real,  or 1920mm effective with the cropping factor. I needed every mm. Mounted lens on a gimble mount and ready to shoot some photos. so we watch... for at least a half hour our little friend just kept looking towards the rear fields, I suspect that is were mom heads towards for food. Finally after a long wait,  the little fellow finally revs up the flight engines and does some practice take off and landing, getting at least 6" off the nest YEP... very exciting. Shooting data. 1/2500 sec.  f13...

Comet NEOWISE aka C 2020/F3 as seen just after sunset

 The comet Neowise Shot 2020 07 25 Canon 7D MK2 with Canon 300mm F2.8 IS L lens, on tripod Setting: 0.8 sec f2.8  ISO of 16,000 Object was very low in the sky, just after sunset.  Had to shoot from backyard using roof of house to block street lights. In retrospect, I perhaps should have used a 1Dx with its faster ISO speed and lower noise, but... still came out not too bad.