HDR vs straight shot on low contrast scene

 Shots taken 2021 01 10  at the harbour in Kincardine Ontario which ison the shore of Lake Huron

Given our unusually warm January so far, there is little or no ice on the lake, but with winds and wave, and an overnight low of -10,  some interesting ice formed

I took a series of three shots,  one at metered exposure, one 2 stops under and one 2 stops over.

Using photomatrix software I combined them into this

Although the dynamic range of the image was not that great, the local contrast enhancement features of the software does make the photo more interesting to the eye.

Shooting data

Canon EOS 7D,  Canon 15-85mm IS lens

1/50 sec. f 5.6 and ISO of 100 for the first shot,  shutter speed and ISO adjusted for the other two shots in the sequence.  Taken hand held.

The Harbour looks rather empty other than birds

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