The Eagle has landed


We heard there was an eagle's nest with a young bird in it up a bit on one of Bruce County roads, so with an approximate location we drove in that direction

Took a few minutes to finally spot the net.  That was because it was a bit over 200M in from the road, surrounded by wet swamp.

Well, we were there, get out the tripod and camera.

Used the Canon 7D MK2 (as it has cropped frame),  Canon 600mm F4 IS lens plus a matching 2X teleconverter giving me 1200mm real,  or 1920mm effective with the cropping factor. I needed every mm.

Mounted lens on a gimble mount and ready to shoot some photos.

so we watch...

for at least a half hour our little friend just kept looking towards the rear fields, I suspect that is were mom heads towards for food.

Finally after a long wait,  the little fellow finally revs up the flight engines and does some practice take off and landing, getting at least 6" off the nest

YEP... very exciting.

Shooting data.

1/2500 sec.  f13, ISO 2000

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