The Tundra Swans have returned to Grand Bend

On March 10, 2022 we drove down to Grand Bend to view the Tundra Swans,  and while it is not as great as the view of birds at Boshe del Apache in southern New Mexico.  It still is a great reason to grab the big lens, tripod, binoculars and head off for some bird photography

Above is shot looking down the road towards the east.  Birds on both side of the road.  This is on Greenway Road, south of Grand Bend, just east of the Museum. 

Looking North into the field  (aka pond) thousands of birds in the area, landing, taking off, flying from one side of the road to the other


On this photo, shots taken at ground level have a lot of heat induced mirage effect from the sun warming the ground.

A close up of the shot from down the road, you can see the highlights are ripply looking. Same thing happens to the birds further away in the fields.  So I did not spend a lot of time shooting birds on the ground.  

In the air was another story,  I did find that with the partly clouded sky, I needed to track to the birds until blue sky was behind them.


The above three shots taken with Canon 7mk2 body and Canon 600mm F4 lens at f5.6 iso 100 about 1/2500 sec

If you get a chance, take a drive over.  Check with the Museum for info visit on the status

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